The Link Between Anxiety and Children's Headaches: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

A sudden throbbing headache can be especially frightening for kids, who are typically less familiar with the random aches and pains of which adults are aware. However, if you wonder, can anxiety cause headaches in kids? The answer is yes! As for adults, when children are nervous or worried, their anxiety can manifest physically, including anxiety headaches.
According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA), headaches are a common symptom of anxiety.
If the root cause of anxiety-induced headaches goes unaddressed, the headaches can continue and intensify.
Here, we discuss the cause of anxiety headaches in children, what brings relief, and how to know when to seek medical attention.
Understanding painful anxiety headaches is crucial to successful headache management and prevention.
What Is an Anxiety Headache?
As the name suggests, anxiety headaches relate to anxiety and stress. Medical literature does not formally classify these headaches as distinct; however, they are a legitimate and disruptive phenomenon for many people, including children.
Anxiety headaches are frequent and widespread. Globally, instances of anxiety disorders increased 25% in 2020, particularly among women and children. Statistically, people with generalized anxiety disorder are significantly more likely to have primary headaches, i.e., when a headache is the main symptom, as in a migraine or tension headache.
For headaches like migraines, it is unclear whether anxiety causes them, or they cause anxiety. Either way, the two are related.
Types of Anxiety Headaches
Understanding which type of anxiety headache your child has is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment. For example:
- A tension headache may respond to over-the-counter pain medication or meditation.
- A migraine may require prescription medication.
Let's consider the different types of headaches a child could experience.
Tension headaches
Tension headaches are common. Stress can sometimes cause tension headaches. In this case, tension refers to the vise-like pressure of a tight band around the head. Some researchers suggest a correlation between the neurotransmitter serotonin and tension headaches. You may have heard about low serotonin and heightened anxiety in humans. This connection could explain the relationship between anxiety and headaches.
Migraines are severe and debilitating headaches. Nausea or sensitivity to light and noise may accompany them. One study found that people with migraines are four times more likely to have anxiety than people who do not get migraines. However, it is unclear whether anxiety leads to migraines, vice versa, or a combination of the two.
TMJ headaches
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ), or jaw-clenching, headaches occur along the joint of the same name. The TMJ spreads from the jaw to the ear on each side of the face. Teeth clenching or grinding cause TMJ headaches. Interestingly, those symptoms are also symptoms of anxiety. When they persist, teeth clenching or grinding can develop into temporomandibular disorder (TMD). This disorder leads to chronic jaw pain and dysfunction. One study found stress is the most common cause of TMD.
Cluster headaches
Excruciating cluster headaches are rare. They occur in about 0.1% of the population or one in every thousand people.
Cluster headaches can occur up to eight times daily and last 15 minutes to three hours. Studies show that 47.5% of people who experience cluster headaches have anxious personality traits; however, the exact nature of the relationship between cluster headaches and anxiety is unclear.
What Does an Anxiety Headache Feel Like?
There are differences between how headaches feel. Tension headaches cause pain in a band wrapping around the temples and forehead. In contrast, a cluster headache converges behind the eyes. A migraine may involve widespread throbbing pain.
Despite the variance in how different types of headaches feel, there are common symptoms your child might complain of with an anxiety headache.
Throbbing pain
One feature of an anxiety headache is persistent, throbbing pain. This discomfort may be near a child's ears, potentially signifying a TMJ headache, or around their forehead, a classic sign of tension headaches.
Muscle tension
Tensed muscles can directly contribute to headache development. Children who continuously tense their muscles or experience tight, knotted necks and shoulders may have anxiety headaches.
Pressure and heaviness
Pressure and heaviness can occur with or in place of throbbing pain. Some people describe headaches as a heavy weight bearing down on their heads.
In addition to these physical symptoms, other indicators that your child may be experiencing anxiety headaches are:
Headaches worsen with stress
If your child experiences headaches that are concurrent with a stressful situation like a challenging class or social situation or family stress like the death of a loved one or a divorce, the headaches may result from anxiety.
Headaches are accompanied by fatigue and irritability
Anxiety can make your child more irritable and demanding. If a child complains of headaches and is also grumpy and testy, the headaches may result from anxiety.
How to Stop Anxiety Headaches
Anything that reduces your child's anxiety may reduce their headaches. If you suspect your child has anxiety headaches, consult a licensed mental health professional. Evidence-based techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy offer insight and coping mechanisms to help children deal with stress. If anxiety is particularly severe, a therapist may refer you to your pediatrician or a psychiatrist for medication.
Because anxiety headaches are rooted in stress and tension, relaxation techniques can help alleviate pain and prevent recurrence. The techniques below can benefit everyone; feel free to perform the following anxiety-relieving exercises with your child.
Deep breathing
Deep breathing techniques help relieve stress and muscle tension. To begin, focus on your breathing. One common strategy called "box breathing" involves the following steps:
- Breathe in through your nose and count to four.
- Hold your breath for four counts.
- Breathe out slowly through your mouth for four counts.
- Hold your breath again for four counts.
Have your child repeat this sequence until they feel calmer.
Meditation is a fantastic way to help calm the mind and reduce stress. Regular meditation can help your child build resilience so their anxiety is less likely to trigger painful headaches.
To begin, find a quiet space. Sit comfortably and concentrate on slow, deliberate breathing. If you or your child are new to meditation, many online apps offer meditation for kids. Those apps can introduce you to the fundamental concepts of this effective practice.
Yoga combines physical movement and deliberate breathing. This approach is more comprehensive for anxiety management and subsequent headache reduction. Practicing yoga reduces muscle tension and stress. It can be a fun alternative to traditional meditation. YouTube offers excellent yoga videos for kids. Alternatively, there are in-person parent-child classes in many areas.
Can Anxiety Headaches Indicate an Underlying Medical Condition?
Headaches can be associated with various medical conditions, such as anxiety; however, if your child continues to suffer from headaches after treating their anxiety, it may be worth consulting your child's pediatrician to identify other contributing factors, which could include:
- Skipping meals.
- Disordered eating.
- Dehydration.
- Ear infection.
- A concussion.
- Sinus inflammation.
- High blood pressure.
Unexplained headaches can be scary and painful. Remember, if your child has anxiety headaches, focus on alleviating the contributing stress.
When to Worry about Children's Headaches
Frequent headaches can have a significant impact on a child's mental health and well-being. But there are solutions for the pain and stress.
If you need further support or assistance in helping a child with headaches related to anxiety or stress, reach out for a free consultation from a licensed Handspring Health therapist today.